
Básico was established in 2009, in the midst of the crisis, as a sales agency specialised in homes owned by financial institutions.

Little by little we have been growing and today we rent and sell homes from banks, investment funds and developers, both new and second hand.

Formed by a team of great human quality and with a high ability of adaptation, we are present in almost all the national territory, with 6 territorial delegations and direct presence in 28 provinces.

We also have a wide network of collaborators to attract 2nd residence and international clients and thus achieve a greater capillarity, always in order to better sell the homes and developments of our institutional clients.

Como empresa líder en la comercialización de activos inmobiliarios, con más de 1.030 viviendas alquiladas y 1.500 viviendas vendidas en 2023, nos anticipamos y adaptamos a los cambios del mercado y nuestro foco es siempre dar el mejor de los servicios para optimizar los beneficios de nuestros clientes, abordando los retos de una manera diferente y proponiendo permanentemente soluciones en cada fase del proceso.

We have a call centre, a marketing department, a closing and deeds department and an administrative department with knowledge of all the servicers and promoters platforms, all of them give permanent support and coverage to the commercial team in order to provide the best possible level of reporting and service.

New construction

Always committed to our clients, we make their objectives our own and actively participate in the whole process:

  • We like to participate in the design of the development in order to, together with the developer and the architect, elaborate the ideal product according to the real market demand.
  • We collaborate in the design of the marketing plan and in the implementation of the necessary commercial actions to sell the promotion, at the ideal pace and always trying to maximise the profitability of the project.
  • We attend and advise the final client during the whole life of the development, from the moment the reservation is made until the title deed is signed.

We have a team specialised in off-plan sales, very professional, covering the entire national territory and knowledgeable about the market and the regulations, both in terms of urban planning and legal and financial aspects.


number of promoters


viviendas vendidas obra nueva en 2023


importe de ventas 2023

Second hand

Our positioning in the second-hand market is focused on the commercialisation of assets or portfolios of financial institutions and investment funds.

We sell all types of homes, vacant, squatted, rented in profitability or with any other particularity.

We manage granular portfolios with high geographic dispersion.

We have our own sales team made up of more than 30 salespeople spread throughout the national territory with many years of experience in the sale of second hand homes.

We have agreements with financial institutions in order to find the best mortgages for our clients in a fast and efficient way.


viviendas vendidas en 2023


importe de ventas en 2023


We have a strong presence in the rental market, a growing segment that is very different from the sales market. Our team of more than 30 rental sales representatives is highly specialised in this business segment.

We are very dynamic, we organise events to achieve a high level of occupancy in the buildings we manage in the shortest possible time, and once rented, we always focus on building long-term relationships with tenants, so that they always feel at ease. This is always to the benefit of the profitability of the rental portfolios we manage.


nº viviendas alquiladas en 2023